Saturday, 25 May 2013

Princess Book Cover

A speculative book cover design for a collection of princess stories. One of my last ever project as a uni student! Only 3 days until my last ever hand in....

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

New York Highlights!





New York was amazing as ever. Highlights were definitely seeing Mamma Mia on Broadway, going up the Empire State Building, wondering around Central Park, Grand Central Station and Ground Zero. The 26oC was also very nice!


As part of my University course, third years get the opportunity to travel New York to show our portfolios to art directors and agencies to get feedback on our work. As stressful as it was making sure my portfolio was together in time for the trip, the helpful feedback and positivity received on my work was greatly received! The lovely people I met from Penguin Young Readers, Painted Words, Holiday House, Herman Agency, Sterling and Clarion Books were incredibly welcoming and all gave me helpful tips to improve my work.

A selection of photos of my tear sheets, business cards and portfolio.